up: Chapter 17 -- 80386 Instruction Set
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next: MUL Unsigned Multiplication of AL or AX

MOVZX -- Move with Zero-Extend

Opcode      Instruction        Clocks   Description

0F  B6 /r   MOVZX r16,r/m8     3/6      Move byte to word with zero-extend
0F  B6 /r   MOVZX r32,r/m8     3/6      Move byte to dword, zero-extend
0F  B7 /r   MOVZX r32,r/m16    3/6      Move word to dword, zero-extend


DEST := ZeroExtend(SRC);


MOVZX reads the contents of the effective address or register as a byte or a word, zero extends the value to the operand-size attribute of the instruction (16 or 32 bits), and stores the result in the destination register.

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFH

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

up: Chapter 17 -- 80386 Instruction Set
prev: MOVSX Move with Sign-Extend
next: MUL Unsigned Multiplication of AL or AX