up: Chapter 9 -- Exceptions and Interrupts
prev: 9.9 Exception Summary
next: Chapter 10 -- Initialization

9.10 Error Code Summary

Table 9-7 summarizes the error information that is available with each exception.

Table 9-7. Error-Code Summary

Description                       Interrupt     Error Code

Divide error                       0            No
Debug exceptions                   1            No
Breakpoint                         3            No
Overflow                           4            No
Bounds check                       5            No
Invalid opcode                     6            No
Coprocessor not available          7            No
System error                       8            Yes (always 0)
Coprocessor Segment Overrun        9            No
Invalid TSS                       10            Yes
Segment not present               11            Yes
Stack exception                   12            Yes
General protection fault          13            Yes
Page fault                        14            Yes
Coprocessor error                 16            No
Two-byte SW interrupt             0-255         No

up: Chapter 9 -- Exceptions and Interrupts
prev: 9.9 Exception Summary
next: Chapter 10 -- Initialization