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AH = D0h DS:DX -> record string (counted string, max 99 data bytes).If function C6h lock mode 01h:
(Novell, NTNX only) AL = flagsbit 0:
Lock as well as log the recordbit 1:
Non-exclusive lock BP = lock timeout in timer ticks (1/18 sec)
AL = status 00h successful 96h no dynamic memory for file FEh timed out FFh unsuccessful
Desc: Add the specified logical record name to the log table, and optionally lock the record
Notes: This function is supported by NetWare 4.6+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, Banyan VINES, and Alloy NTNX. Locks on logical record names are advisory and may be ignored by other applications
See Also:
AH=BCh - AH=D1h - AH=D2h - AH=D4h -
Int 21h
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