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AL = 02h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) DX = application ID (see INT F1/AL=01h)
AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070)
Notes: The caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space
See Also: AH=02h - INT F1/AL=01h - INT F1/AL=03h
(Table 04070) Values for CAPI v2.0 error code: 0000h successful 1001h too many applications 1002h logical block size too small (must be at least 128 bytes) 1003h buffer > 64K 1004h message buffer too small (minimum 1024 bytes) 1005h too many logical connections requested 1006h reserved 1007h could not register because CAPI busy, try again 1008h OS resource unavailable (out of memory, etc.) 1009h COMMON-ISDN-API not installed 100Ah controller does not support external equipment 100Bh controller supports only external equipment 1101h invalid application ID 1102h illegal command or subcommand, or message too short 1103h message queue full 1104h queue empty 1105h queue overflowed (message lost) 1106h unknown notification parameter 1107h could not accept message because CAPI busy, try again 1108h OS resource unavailable (out of memory, etc.) 1109h COMMON-ISDN-API not installed 110Ah controller does not support external equipment 110Bh controller supports only external equipment 2001h message not supported in current state 2002h illegal controller/PLCI/NCCI 2003h out of PLCI 2004h out of NCCI 2005h out of LISTEN 2006h out of FAX resources (T.30 protocol) 2007h illegal message parameter coding 3001h unsupported B1 protocol 3002h unsupported B2 protocol 3003h unsupported B3 protocol 3004h unsupported B1 protocol parameter 3005h unsupported B2 protocol parameter 3006h unsupported B3 protocol parameter 3007h unsupported B protocol combination 3008h NCPI not supported 3009h unknown CIP value 300Ah unsupported flags (reserved bits set) 300Bh unsupported facility 300Ch data length not supported by current protocol 300Dh reset procedure not supported by current protocol
See Also: #04069
Category: Uncatagorized - Int F1h - C
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