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10.1 Processor State After Reset

The contents of EAX depend upon the results of the power-up self test. The self-test may be requested externally by assertion of BUSY# at the end of RESET. The EAX register holds zero if the 80386 passed the test. A nonzero value in EAX after self-test indicates that the particular 80386 unit is faulty. If the self-test is not requested, the contents of EAX after RESET is undefined.

DX holds a component identifier and revision number after RESET as Figure 10-1 illustrates. DH contains 3, which indicates an 80386 component. DL contains a unique identifier of the revision level.

Control register zero (CR0) contains the values shown in Figure 10-2 . The ET bit of CR0 is set if an 80387 is present in the configuration (according to the state of the ERROR# pin after RESET). If ET is reset, the configuration either contains an 80287 or does not contain a coprocessor. A software test is required to distinguish between these latter two possibilities.

The remaining registers and flags are set as follows:

   EFLAGS             =00000002H
   IP                 =0000FFF0H
   CS selector        =000H
   DS selector        =0000H
   ES selector        =0000H
   SS selector        =0000H
   FS selector        =0000H
   GS selector        =0000H
              base    =0
              limit   =03FFH
All registers not mentioned above are undefined.

These settings imply that the processor begins in real-address mode with interrupts disabled.

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prev: Chapter 10 -- Initialization
next: 10.2 Software Initialization for Real-Address Mode