Int 10/AX=0070h

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VIDEO - Everex Micro Enhancer EGA/Viewpoint VGA - EXTENDED MODE SET

AX = 0070h
BL = mode (see #00011)

Desc: Specify a proprietary display mode on the Everex Micro Enhancer or Viewpoint video adapters

See Also: AH=00h - AX=6F05h - AX=7000h/BX=0004h - AH=FFh"GO32"

(Table 00011) Values for Everex video mode: text/ text pixel pixel colors disply scrn monitor adapter grph resol box resolution pages addr 00h = G . . 640x480 16 . . multisync EGA,VGA 01h = G . . 752x410 16 . . multisync EGA,VGA 02h = G . . 800x600 16 . . multisync EGA,VGA 03h = T 80x34 . . . . . multisync EGA,VGA 04h = T 80x60 . . . . . multisync EGA,VGA 05h = T 94x29 . . . . . multisync EGA only 06h = T 94x51 . . . . . multisync EGA only 07h = T 100x43 8x14 . 16 . . . VGA only 08h = T 100x75 8x8 . 16 . . . VGA only 09h = T 80x44 . . . . . EGA EGA only 0Ah = T 132x25 . . . . . EGA EGA,VGA 0Bh = T 132x44 . . . . . EGA EGA,VGA 0Ch = T 132x25 . . . . . CGA EGA only 0Dh = T 80x44 . . . . . mono EGA only 0Eh = T 132x25 . . . . . mono 0Fh = T 132x44 . . . . . mono 10h = reserved 11h = G . . 1280x350 4 . . . EGA only 12h = G . . 1280x600 4 . . . EGA only 13h = G . . 640x350 256 . . . EGA,EV673 14h = G . . 640x400 256 . . . 15h = G . . 512x480 256 . . . 16h = T 80x30 8x16 . 256 . . . VGA only 18h = T 100x27 8x16 . 16 . . . VGA only 20h = G . . 1024x768 16 . . . Everex 629,678 . . . . . . . Everex EV-673 21h = T 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 . . . 1MB VGA only 30h = G . . 640x480 256 . . . Everex 629,678 . . . . . . . Everex EV-673 31h = G . . 800x600 256 . . . Everex 629,678 . . . . . . . Everex EV-673 32h = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . . . 1MB VGA only 40h = T 132x30 8x16 . 16 . . . VGA only 50h = T 132x32 8x16 . mono . . . VGA only 62h = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 32K . . . Vwpt TC (EV629) 70h = G 64x30 8x16 512x480 32K . . . Viewpoint TC 71h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . . . Viewpoint TC 76h = G 64x30 8x16 512x480 16M . . . Viewpoint TC 77h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16M . . . Viewpoint TC

See Also: #00010 - #00191

Video modes;Everex

Category: Video - Int 10h - V


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