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AX = 4405h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) for RAM disk CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> buffer containing command packet (see #01539)
CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually transferred CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
See Also: AX=4404h"COMBI"
(Table 01538) Values for COMBI-disk command code: 80h flush cache 81h change options byte 82h shrink memory 83h expand memory 84h get dirty block information 85h reset write errors 86h reset counters
Format of COMBI-disk command packet: Offset Size Description (Table 01539) 00h WORD version 02h BYTE command code (see #01538) ---command code 80h--- no additional fields ---command code 81h--- 03h BYTE new options byte (see #01540) ---command code 82h--- 03h WORD number of KB to release ---command code 83h--- 03h WORD number of KB to expand ---command code 84h--- 03h DWORD -> buffer for block info (see #01541) ---command code 85h--- 03h DWORD block ID ---command code 86h--- 03h BYTE which counters to reset
bit 0:
Hard disk read countsbit 1:
Hard disk write countsbit 2:
RAM disk read/write counts
Note: Multiple commands may be placed in a single packet by stringing together as many command/argument pairs as desired
Bitfields for COMBI-disk options byte: Bit(s) Description (Table 01540) 0 cache off 1 cache frozen 2 write caching enabled 3 delayed writing disabled 5 fix memory allocation (no XMS lending) 6 no 'sector not found' error
Format of COMBI-disk block info: Offset Size Description (Table 01541) 00h DWORD block ID 04h BYTE bitmask of valid sectors in block 05h BYTE bitmask of dirty sectors in block 06h BYTE last error returned by BIOS 07h BYTE number of errors
Category: Disk I/O Enhancements - Int 21h - C
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