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AX = F217h subfn D7h CX = length of request buffer in bytes DX = length of reply buffer in bytes DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02033 at AH=E3h/SF=D7h) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02230)
AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)
See Also:
AX=EF00h - AX=EF01h - AX=EF02h - AH=F2h"Novell" -
Format of NetWare "Get Drive Mapping Table" reply packet:
Offset Size Description (Table 02230)
00h DWORD (big-endian) clock tick elapsed since system started
04h BYTE fault tolerance (SFT) level
05h BYTE number of logical drives attached to server
06h BYTE number of physical drives attached to server
07h 5 BYTEs disk channel types (00h none, 01h XT, 02h AT, 03h SCSI,
04h disk coprocessor drive, 32h-FFh value-added drive types)
0Ch WORD (big-endian) number of outstanding controller commands
0Eh 32 BYTEs drive mapping table (FFh = no such drive)
2Eh 32 BYTEs drive mirror table (secondary physical drive, FFh = none)
4Eh 32 BYTEs dead mirror table (last drive mapped to, FFh if never mirrored)
6Eh BYTE physical drive being remirrored (FFh = none)
6Fh BYTE reserved
70h DWORD (big-endian) remirrored block
74h 60 BYTEs SFT error table (internal error counters)
See Also:
#02033 - #02034 at AH=E3h/SF=D7h
Int 21h
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