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AX = F223h subfn 07h CX = length of request packet in bytes DX = 0000h (no reply packet) DS:SI -> request packet (see #02316) ES:DI ignored
AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)
See Also: AH=F2h"Novell" - AX=F223h/SF=01h - AX=F223h/SF=03h - AX=F223h/SF=08h
Format of NetWare "AFP Rename" request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02316) 00h WORD (big-endian) length of following data 02h BYTE 07h (subfunction "AFP Rename") 03h BYTE volume number 04h DWORD source AFP entry ID 08h DWORD destination AFP entry ID 0Ch BYTE source path length 0Dh N BYTEs AFP-style source path (relative to source AFP entry ID). BYTE destination path length N BYTEs AFP-style destination path (relative to destination entry ID)
Note: The file may be moved from one directory to another without being renamed by setting the destination path to the empty string
Category: Netware - Int 21h - N
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