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AH = 0Bh CX = size of buffer ES:DI -> buffer
AH = composite line status (see #00304) formed by ORing all statuses on receive interrupts; bit 0 set if additional characters available AL = composite modem status (see #00305) formed by ORing all statuses CX = number of characters actually read DI updated
Note: The PACCOM version of MBBIOS does not use CX or ES:DI on call, instead returning ES set to the segment of the buffer containing a received packet, or 0000h if no packets available; the buffer may be freed with AH=0Ch"MBBIOS"
See Also:
AH=02h - AH=08h"MBBIOS" - AH=0Ah"MBBIOS" - AH=0
Serial I/O
Int 14h
Interrups | Categories | Contents |